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Ministry of Education.
Kaua e rangiruatia te hāpai o te hoe; e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta

Construction and Mechanical Technologies

Construction and Mechanical technologies focus on knowledge and skills associated with working resistant materials and textiles to create technological outcomes, understanding structures and machines, and modifying and creating patterns. Students develop and understandings and skills related to constructing a quality outcome.

The components of Construction and Mechanical Technologies are:

Construct a Resistant Materials Product

Constructing a resistant material's product requires students to implement procedures and tests to make specified products using resistant materials.
See Learning Objectives and Teacher Guidance

Construct a Textiles Product

Constructing a textile material's product requires students to implement techniques and procedures and tests to make specified products using textile materials.
See Learning Objectives and Teacher Guidance

Knowledge of Resistant Materials Construction

Resistant materials refer to a group of materials that are grouped together because they show certain common characteristics. Such materials are broadly categorised as wood, metal, ceramics, plastics, glass and their composites. The characteristics determine how a resistant material can be used in construction.
See Learning Objectives and Teacher Guidance

Knowledge of Textiles Construction

Textile materials refer to a group of materials that are grouped together because they show certain common characteristics. These materials include but are not limited to: natural and synthetic fibres, yarns, knits and woven fabrics. The characteristics determine how a textile material can be used in construction.
See Learning Objectives and Teacher Guidance

Knowledge of Structures

A structure refers to framework that is used to support a load(s). A framework is comprised of structural members that are assembled using pin or fixed joints. The integrity of a framework is reliant on the strength, weight, material and profile of its structural members; the combination and means of joining structural members; and the safety factors applied to the structure.
See Learning Objectives and Teacher Guidance

Knowledge of Machines

Machines consist of fixed and moving parts that modify mechanical energy and transmit it in a more useful form. Simple machines are designed to make work easier by creating a large force from the application of a small one. Examples of simple machines include: levers, inclined planes and wedges, screws, wheels and axles, pulleys. Complex machines are made up of more than one simple machine that work together to achieve a desired mechanical advantage and/or motion. Sewing machine, water pumps and bicycles are examples of complex machines.
See Learning Objectives and Teacher Guidance

Pattern Making

Pattern making refers to adaptation and/or drafting of patterns to ensure that a textile product provides the correct fit for a body or item without compromising its design features.
See Learning Objectives and Teacher Guidance

Construction and Mechanical Technologies

Construct a Resistant Materials Product
Construct a Textiles Product
Knowledge of Textiles Construction

Knowledge of Resistant Materials Construction
Knowledge of Structures
Knowledge of machines

Pattern Making

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