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Ministry of Education.
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Knowledge of Processing

Knowledge of Processing

Knowledge of processing focuses on the underpinning concepts associated with processing.

Initially students learn about the operations and practices inherent to processing. Students progress to complex understandings that enable them to explain, evaluate and justify a broad range of operations and practices related to processing.

  Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
  Demonstrate understanding of basic techniques involved in processing materials Demonstrate understanding of advanced techniques involved in processing materials Demonstrate understanding of complex techniques involved in processing materials

To support students to develop understandings about basic techniques involved in processing materials at level 6, teachers could:

  • Provide a range of case studies to demonstrate different processing systems and sequences.
  • Support students with their understanding of techniques and skills in a processing operation.
  • Demonstrate safe practices in processing.
  • Model a range of processing operations such as: measuring; safe disposal of biologically active material; culturing by plating; and controlling of enzymes.

To support students to develop understandings about advanced techniques involved in processing materials at level 7, teachers could:

  • Support students with their understanding of how advanced techniques are implemented in processing materials.
  • Present a range of advanced processing operations such as: cell counting; emulsifying; and centrifuging.
  • Ensure students understand the difference between health and safety in the classroom and industry.

To support students to develop understandings about complex techniques involved in processing materials at level 8, teachers could:

  • Support students in determining the techniques that have been involved in specific processing of materials.
  • Discuss the difference between process control in the classroom and in industry for a specified product.
  • Demonstrate complex processing operations such as: distilling; cryogenic freezing; and batch transfer.

Students can:

  • Explain the relationship between processing operations, tests, and expected outcomes.
  • Discuss processing operations and tests and their suitability for different materials and/or purposes.
  • Communicate the need for safe processing practices.

Students can:

  • Identify advanced techniques used in processing materials.
  • Describe how processing operations and tests can be combined in a processing sequence.
  • Explain why specific tests are used in processing operations.

Students can:

  • Analyse and justify the procedures used to process a specified product.
  • Explain how processing operations can be controlled by test feedback.
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of safety, risk management and quality assurance plans.
AS91083 Processing Technologies 1.61

Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts used in processing

Standards & Assessment
AS91352 Processing Technologies 2.61

Demonstrate understanding of advanced concepts used in processing

Standards & Assessment
Processing Technologies 3.61

Demonstrate understanding of complex concepts used in processing

Standards & Assessment

Processing Technologies

Implement a process
Knowledge of Processing
Knowledge of product preservation, packaging and storage

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