Teaching snapshots
We are preparing to close this site soon as this content has now moved to Tāhūrangi.
Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.
This section provides an for teachers to share ideas they have successfully used in their classroom . It includes: strategies for delivering a particular aspect of the Technology curriculum, activities which have engaged student interest, used in the classroom, interaction with the wider community, and promotion of technology education/subject areas.
Discovering what functional modelling is – and why it's so important
In a series of newly developed technology units, the students are not only learning what functional modelling is – they are discovering why it is so important and useful.
Technological modelling in tie-dyeing
Dorothy Hutton of Columba College used tie-dyeing to teach the functional modelling aspect of technological modelling to her year 6 students.
Technology teaching in a 3-day episode
During a “3-Day Episode” (suspended timetable), students made and sold bouquets as a fundraiser for Totara Hospice. This episode was used this as an opportunity to grow the students’ understanding of the Technology curriculum.
Learning pathways
Amuri Area School has successfully developed pathways for students that include dual enrolment at the Canterbury Tertiary College (CTC). Major timetable restructuring for the senior school has been a key to their success.
Local curriculum design in technology: Tēnei au
Validating student identity is a key to successful teaching. Tai Wānanga Ruakura devised a project linking English and technology to get to know their year 9 students.
Rangiora town centre rebuild
Design and Visual Communication (DVC) students responded to the post-earthquake needs of the Rangiora community by developing designs for rebuilding.
Is food a technological outcome?
In response to a misunderstanding about whether food can be a technological outcome, students were given an exploratory lesson in food technology.
Learning about technological systems with junior students
A junior school teacher approached the t component of the technological k strand through a simple is best strategy.
Technological systems in a toys context
Year 2/3 students learnt about technological systems focusing on a toys , then designed and developed their own toys, which incorporated a simple system.
Learning about technological modelling with junior students
Junior students learnt the importance of modelling to test their in a programme of learning based on the technological modelling component of the technological k strand.