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Ministry of Education.
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Technology Online webinar recordings

Technology Online invites teachers and other experts to present webinars to the technology education community. The recordings and presentation slides are shared here.

Technology and integrating storytelling

Primary school teacher Lisa Byers talks about how she planned and integrated the revised technology learning area and other learning areas in digital storytelling.

Local curriculum projects and digital technologies

Sarah Washbrooke, Technology and STEM specialist at Remarkables Primary School, talks about how to make and use engaging community connections to develop digital technologies understandings.

The revised technology learning area

Cheryl Pym (nationally accredited facilitator) explains the curriculum change, why it is important for our learners and Aotearoa, and contexts for rich technology learning.

Tahi Rua Toru Tech | NZ's Digital Challenge in the classroom

Teachers talk with project leader Joy Keene about how they are using the digital challenge in their classrooms.

NCEA review and the review of achievement standards: What do they mean for technology?

Ministry of Education senior advisors Kate Curtis and Nathan Owen provide an overview of changes to NCEA and the upcoming Ministry Review of Achievement Standards.

Interdisciplinary product design, materials technology, and applied chemistry

Julie Clement and Paul Holmes talk about the work they have been doing to develop a programme of learning that integrates materials technology, scholarship, and applied chemistry.

Engagement in technology through authentic learning opportunities

Deidre Senior and Cheryl Pym talk about developing integrated programmes of learning using local curriculum that aligns with the technology learning area.  

NCEA levels 2 and 3 digital technologies standards

Julie McMahon and John Creighton discuss these revised assessment tools and how they can be utilised in programmes of learning.

Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko | Digital Readiness

Catherine Johnson (English Medium Project Lead) talks about the National Digital Readiness Programme.

NCEA level 1 digital technologies achievement standards

Hear Julie McMahon (HOD Technology) and John Creighton (HOF Technology) discuss these revised assessment tools and how they can be utilised in programmes of learning. 

Introducing the learning progressions for digital technologies

In this webinar Catherine Johnson (Lead facilitator) discusses the new learning progressions for digital technologies.

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